Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Assignment 11:

Final Blog Reflection:

I feel like I did very well handling a class that was mostly about independent work. I felt this way because I don't really like working in groups, and when I work independent I can focus more on my work and get more done. I feel that I did choose a topic that was right for me, because I stayed interested for most of the time while working with my topic. For all of those who are going to have this class next trimester, I would first of all give them advice of making sure that they have a few topics in mind before the next trimester starts. I also would tell them that you need to pick a topic that interests you alot, and pick a topic that will give you alot of infromation.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Assignment 10:

Main Ideas of Research:

1.) Parkinson's Disease
2.) Risk Factors
3.) Genes
4.) Symptoms
5.) Effect
6.) Prognosis
7.) Treatment
8.) Foundations

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Assignment 9:

Notes Reflection:

I have been very successful on finishing my notes. I shot for advanced on all parts of the rubric, and tried to get the best grade possible on this assignment for Grad Project. I learned alot from my topic, and it seemed very interesting. At times I did get confused, such as whenever I read some of the articles and tried to get information.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Assignment 8:

What's Happening Post:

I have my interview scheduled for Friday, after school. So I will be able to put those notes into the notes template for my foundation questions next week. I will probably be able to reach advanced on the requirements for the rough draft this week, because I have almost 8 of my notes completed.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Assignment 7:

Interview Progess:

I am trying to schedule and interview with an expert. So far I have already sent out an email to my contact. I am just waiting for a response to see when I can conduct an interview. I also need to make up at least 10 unqiue questions to ask this expert and get them approved.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Assignment 6

What's Happening Post:

I am doing very well at finishing my dot jot notes, each day I at least finish one template. I have up to at least 4 note templates completed. For key terms, I already have articles that list a bunch of key terms. I have made some progess on the interview process, such as finding more contact infromation, and making some interview questions.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Assignment 5:

Grad Project 12 Facts Video- Digital Media


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Assignment 4:

What's Happening Post

I finished finding three people that I could contact for interviews for my graduation topic. For now I'm just going to continue working on finding more information for my foundation questions from different sources. So far I haven't had any problems with my graduation project, and I'm not bored with my topic at all.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Assignment 3:

Essential and Foundation Questions

Essential Question: What are the major implications of Parkinson's Disease and what should be done to ensure that there is a cure?

Foundation Questions:

1.) What is 'Parkinson's Disease'?

2.) Who is at risk for Parkinson's?

3.) In what ways can this disease be treated?

4.) What are the symptoms of PD?

5.) What genes are linked to PD?

6.) What is the prognosis of Parkinson's?

7.) How does this disease effect the body?

8.) What foundations are trying to find a cure for Parkinson's?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Assignment 2:

10 Facts about Parkinson's:

  • Age, gender and family history are all risk factors (Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Parkison's Disease)
  • There is no cure (Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Parkison's Disease)
  • Some types of treatment are drugs, exercise, physical therapy and nutrition (Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Parkison's Disease)
  • There is no prevention for PD (Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Parkison's Disease)
  • PD usually develops in adults over the age of 50 (Parkinson disease research)
  • PD was named after an English physician geologist, James Parkinson (Parkinson disease)
  • Termors, slow movements and muscle ridgity are symptoms (Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Parkison's Disease)
  • PD is diagonised by a neurological exam (Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Parkison's Disease)
  • Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system (Parkinson's disease reasearch)
  • Sympthoms of Parkison's are mainly known as "Parkinsonism" (

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Assignment 1

My Graduation Project is about Parkinson's disease. So far I only know the basics of this disease such as the definition, symptoms, types of treatment and the physical effects it has on patients.