Monday, February 25, 2013

Assignment 7:

Interview Progess:

I am trying to schedule and interview with an expert. So far I have already sent out an email to my contact. I am just waiting for a response to see when I can conduct an interview. I also need to make up at least 10 unqiue questions to ask this expert and get them approved.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Assignment 6

What's Happening Post:

I am doing very well at finishing my dot jot notes, each day I at least finish one template. I have up to at least 4 note templates completed. For key terms, I already have articles that list a bunch of key terms. I have made some progess on the interview process, such as finding more contact infromation, and making some interview questions.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Assignment 5:

Grad Project 12 Facts Video- Digital Media


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Assignment 4:

What's Happening Post

I finished finding three people that I could contact for interviews for my graduation topic. For now I'm just going to continue working on finding more information for my foundation questions from different sources. So far I haven't had any problems with my graduation project, and I'm not bored with my topic at all.