Thursday, February 20, 2014

Weekly Blog Posts!

Hello, and I hope you enjoyed last week blog post about the Micheal J. Fox Foundation, and their effort in finding a cure for patients with Parkinson's disease.

This week, I would like to turn your focus on to the National Parkinson Foundation.

The National Parkinson Foundation is focused on driving breakthrough research by bringing together the leaders of NPF's Centers of Excellence in the United States, which are focused on delivering care to more than 50,000 Parkinson's patients. NPF has created a community of healthcare professionals that are dedicated to improve clinicial care in Parkinson's disease, through these Centers of Excellence. 

I'm planning on contributing to the research that is done at the National Parkinson Foundation, by collecting donations, and I also plan on helping other foundations by attending someone else's marathon in Erie, PA. 

Stay tuned, and next week I'll release more information about some more foundations that are in the process of finding a cure for Parkinson's disease. 

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